Smart Energy
A CIE and Eranove Group subsidiary, created at the start of 2017, Smart Energy’s mission is to help companies to achieve the most ambitious of energy performance levels, with a personalised approach that responds to the specific needs of each client.
In order to do this, Smart Energy has become expert in 3 fields: energy performance that makes substantial savings in terms of energy consumption; renewable energy sources that use appropriate technical solutions; selling energy-saving equipment. Smart Energy’s procedure is in line with the IPVMP protocol (regarding measures) and conforms to the NF EN 16247 standard (energy audits).
Our websiteCIE presents SMART ENERGY
The Abidjan International Business and Industry Forum (FICIA) took place last November, from Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th. There were several stands run by professionals from the industrial sector. The Ivory Coast Electricity Company (CIE) took advantage of the event to get closer to their customer base.