

Ivory Coast

  • Management of drinking water and sanitation public services

    • Established 1959
    • Management of drinking water and sanitation public services
  • Management of electricity public services

    • Established 1990
    • Management of electricity public services
  • Independent producer of electricity

    • Established 1994
    • 556 MW
    • Combined gas + steam IPP cycle
  • Fibre optics
    Data transmission

    • Established 2014
  • Energy efficiency

    • Established 2017
    • Energy efficiency
  • Electricity production

    • Combined gas + steam IPP cycle
    • 390 MW
    • Draft agreement signed September 2016
    Electricity production

    • Hydroelectric IPP
    • Draft agreement signed May 2014
  • Eranove Academy

    • November 26, 2015
    • The Eranove Academy offers industrial training courses for students, professionals and companies, guaranteeing a perfect match between training and employment.


  • Electricity production

    • Hydroelectric IPP in Ngoulmendjim
    • 73 MW
    • Concession agreement signed October 2016
    • Electricity purchase contract signed October 2018
  • Electricity production

    • Hydroelectric IPP in Dibwangui
    • 15 MW
    • Concession agreement signed October 2016
    • Electricity purchase contract signed October 2018
    Drinking water production

    • Drinking water production factory in the Komo- Kango department
    • 140 000 m3 per day
    • Draft agreement signed March 2017
    • Concession agreement signed October 2018


  • Madagascar

    • Hydroelectric IPP
    • Sahofika
    • Project agreement signed December 2016
    • 192 MW


  • Electricity production

    • Hydroelectric IPP
    • 56 MW
    • Concession agreement signed June 2015

DR Congo

  • Moyi Power

    • Mini solar networks in the towns of Gemena, Bumba and Isiro
    • Consortium groupe Eranove, Gridworks Partners and AEE Power
    • 22-year concession agreement signed in 2021


  • Management of drinking water public services

    • From 1996 to 2020
    • Management of public services in urban areas
  • Management of drinking water public services

    • In operation since 2023
    • Public drinking water service manager in rural areas


  • Togo

    • Combined gas + steam IPP cycle
    • 65 MW
    • Concession contract signed 23rd October 2018
    • First stone laid on 12 June 2019


  • Management of public services

    • Since 2021

Management of public services

Around 588 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, that’s 1 in 2, still does not have access to electricity (World Energy Outlook 2017 from IEA).
The African continent’s water resources have untapped potential.
The continent only uses 5.5% of the 3400 billion cubic metres of renewable water that Africa has at its disposal annually (FAO, Aquastat 2015) and 413 million Africans (35% of the population) do not have access to drinking water (UNESCO/ United Nations World Water Development Report 2021).

    • Established 1959
    • Ivory Coast
    • Management of drinking water and sanitation public services
    • Established 1990
    • Ivory Coast
    • Management of electricity public services
    • From 1996 to 2020
    • Senegal
    • Management of public services in urban areas
    • In operation since 2023
    • Senegal
    • Management of public services in rural areas
    • Established 2014
    • Ivory Coast
    • Fibre optics
    • Established 2017
    • Ivory Coast
    • Energy efficiency
    • Mini solar networks in the towns of Gemena, Bumba and Isiro
    • Consortium groupe Eranove, Gridworks Partners and AEE Power
    • 22-year concession agreement signed in 2021
    • Since 2021
    • Management of public services
    • Since 2015
    • Ivory Coast
    • Training establishment

Producteur indépendant d’électricité et d’eau

According to the World Bank, sub-Saharan Africa has an existing electrical generation capacity of only 90 gigawatts (GW), less that the capacity of South Korea, even though the continent’s hydro-electric capacity is estimated to be 300 Gigawatts (GW).
With more than 20 years’ experience in electricity and drinking water production in Africa, the Eranove group studies and develops several independent electricity production (IPP) and independent drinking water production projects across the continent.

    • Established 1994
    • Ivory Coast
    • Combined gas + steam IPP cycle
    • 556 MW
    • Mali
    • Hydroelectric IPP
    • 56 MW
    • Concession agreement signed June 2015
    • Ivory Coast
    • Combined gas + steam IPP cycle
    • 390 MW
    • Draft agreement signed September 2016
    • Togo
    • Combined gas + steam IPP cycle
    • 65 MW
    • Concession contract signed October 2018
    • First stone laid on 12 June 2019
    • Gabon
    • Hydroelectric IPP in Ngoulmendjim
    • 73 MW
    • Concession agreement signed October 2016
    • Electricity purchase contract signed October 2018
    • Gabon
    • Hydroelectric IPP in Dibwangui
    • 15 MW
    • Concession agreement signed October 2016
    • Electricity purchase contract signed October 2018
    • Gabon
    • Drinking water production factory in the Komo- Kango department
    • 140 000 m3 per day
    • Draft agreement signed March 2017
    • Concession agreement signed October 2018
    • Madagascar
    • Hydroelectric IPP
    • Sahofika
    • 192 MW
    • Project agreement signed December 2016
    • Ivory Coast
    • Hydroelectric IPP
    • Draft agreement signed May 2014