Louetsi Energy
The Eranove group has partnered with Gabon’s Strategic Investment Find (FGIS) in order to work towards the national aim of meeting all the country’s water and electricity needs, devising a competitive, sustainable plan that would create jobs. To this end, they signed the concession contract with the government in Gabon on 21st October 2016, for design, financing, construction and operation, and the electrical energy sales contracts on 26th October 2018, for the Louetsi Energy hydroelectric development (15 MW), a waterside hydroelectric plant, 450km from the river-side capital of Louetsi, to provide power for the south-west of the country, on the Dibwangui site.
The ESG Dibwangui assessment report is available.
This report presents the results of the assessment of the Dibwangui hydropower project using the ESG tool developed by the International Hydropower Association (IHA). This tool assesses the sustainability of a project against ‘good basic practice’. The assessment is based on a site visit and interviews with stakeholders in Gabon and a review of relevant documentation. The assessment was completed by an IHA accredited evaluator.
Download reportResults of the International Hydropower Association (IHA) ESG Tool assessment
The Dibwangui hydropower project (Gabon), jointly developed by the Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS) and Eranove, meets international sustainability standards.
Gabon: The Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS) and the Eranove Group sign three contracts with the Republic of Gabon
The Gabonese Strategic Investment Fund (FGIS) and the Pan-African industrial Group Eranove have signed, with the Government of the Gabonese Republic, a concession agreement for the production of drinking water and two power purchase contracts.
Le FGIS et le Groupe Eranove signent avec la République Gabonaise deux conventions de concession pour deux centrales hydroélectriques au Gabon
Libreville, le 21 octobre 2016 Le Fonds gabonais d’investissements stratégiques (FGIS), vecteur de mobilisation de ressources et acteur majeur de la stratégie de diversification de l’économie gabonaise, et le Groupe industriel Eranove, acteur de premier plan en...