Managing Director of AWALE
With a degree in electrical engineering from ESIGELEC in Rouen and a Master’s degree in Business administration from the University of Poitiers, Daniel Sampah has worked in the Ivory Coast’s electricity sector for 20 years.
Ever since he began working professionally, he has been involved in improving the maintenance of public lighting in the south of Abidjan, then (91/92) he was the driving force behind the design of the customer management software GESABEL. Daniel Sampah will then (93/99) go on to the Regional management of South Abidjan.
He will launch the computerisation of technical management of distribution facilities at CIE. All the Technical Distribution functions will be handed over to him within 2 years and then (01/05) the re-engineering of customer management processes for the purposes of improving network performance. In December 2005, he was made Director-General of CIE. Since September 2008, Daniel Sampah has been developing companies in the telecommunications and clean energy sectors, in particular the company AWALE.
Daniel Sampah is a Partner of Melvin Jones in the Lions Clubs International and he is a Regional Councillor in South Comoé in the Ivory Coast.