In Africa,
for Africa, via Africa
The Eranove group is a group that works exclusively in Africa.
Through its subsidiaries, the group brings essential services to the African continent, where access to water and electricity is still too limited.
The abilities, skills and culture of the Eranove group are African. African capital also plays a major role in the group, through the employee shareholding scheme and private African capital.

Keys to success
Emphasising the mosaic of African expertise
- Enhancing skills with training centres that specialise in water and electricity
- Empowering employees through the shareholding scheme and the decentralised management system
- Motivating and encouraging loyalty through innovative, successful social policies
Trusting relationships with African governments
- Bespoke solutions and ideas that broaden access to essential services
- Awareness of contextual and cultural factors
- Consistent strategic vision
Different sources of funding
- Equity generated by the success of the group and its subsidiaries
- Development Finance Institutions, partners of countries’ development
- Local and regional banks for funding in local currencies
Ecosystem of partners working to continually improve practices and technologies
- The best international technical partners, selected based on needs
- African partners, local development branches
- Entrepreneurial partners, bringing together innovation and digital technology
Societal and environmental requirements
- Quality, safety and environmental ISO and OHSAS certifications, for continual systems improvement
- ISO 26000 societal responsibility assessments encouraging the values of sustainability
- Ethical systems appropriate to each organisation’s specific issues
An innovative, responsive and creative organisation
- Each of the group’s companies develops in-house skills that are necessary for its work
- Eranove is committed to its management role, particularly in terms of identifying strategic and potential issues
- Project development teams are built around project directors who lead both internal and external experts